Taste it Again / Lost & Found

On occasion, I’ll take a wine I like and put it away in a “special box” for a few years to see how it will age … below you will read happened to those wines. On the other hand, there are wines that get “lost” in my wine cellar with nary a review ever written - some have turned into golden Treasures, others supreme Trash and then there are those that fall somewhere in-between (Tolerable). We’ll look at those here too. (New wines are being added all the time so keep coming back):

Tasted Again: Hillebrand NV Trius Brut

21 Jul 2014


Click here to read the original review from 2012

(Re-Tasted April 2013) ... My wife and I like to crack open a little bubbly for no apparent reason other than we feel like it, and on this night it just seemed right.  We popped the cork on the multi-award winning Trius Brut, but because it is a non-vintage wine I could not tell you how old the bottle was - even an email or two to the winemaker did not settle anything, except maybe the bottle was filled sometime in the last 5 years (something to do with the codes on the bottle).  But despite this set back in age-verification I can tell you this:  it does have some beautiful aged bubbly notes to it:  medium-intensity biscuity-ness with apple, lemony, notes and a long bread crust finish, you really can see why this wine wins lots of awards, even at an unknown age it's a delight.


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