For a non-Chardonnay fan I sure do seem to like the Coyote's Run Red Paw offering year-after-year, that's probably due to the wine not being dominated by wood. Yet again the 2010 delivers what I think Chardonnay drinkers are looking for these days. The nose smells of butter, caramel, vanilla and peach pit and seems to get its delicacy from a mere whiff of some floral notes. Aged in 100% Hungarian oak for 8-9 months doesn't seem to overpower the wine flavour-wise though the vanilla seems more prominent on the palate with a lovely creaminess at young juncture - fruit is beginning to emerge. I find the Red Paw Chardonnay to be delicate, delicious and really very sippable. Price: $21.95 - Rating: **** 1/2