Ontario Reviews

Strewn 2007 Winter Red
An icewine that never made it, that’s the story behind this red sweetie. By the time they were ready to press these Cabernet Franc grapes the temperature had warmed up so that the ensuing juice could no longer be made into icewine. So when nature gives you lemons, make lemonade, or in this case: when nature turns up the heat make a late harvest – and that’s exactly what they did. Strawberry fans should adore this sweetie because both the nose and taste are big on the strawberry side – very yummy, very tasty and only a 16 on the sugar code – so it ain’t too sweet, sweet enough mind you, but it’s not icewine sweet. Plus there’s nice balancing acidity to keep it feeling clean in the mouth, not sweet, sticky and cloying. Price: $24.95 / 375ml – Rating: ****
Dessert / Sweet
Cabernet Franc
Niagara Peninsula
at the winery

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