Ontario Reviews

Strewn 2010 'Terroir' Riesling-Gewurztraminer
This wine mixes the deliciousness of Riesling with the deliciousness of Gewurztraminer and succeeds nicely. There is no better way to put it than to say these grapes, separately, have a uniqueness and deliciousness all their own. Together it's a double delight. Gewurzt is a the general Patton of the pair, marching forward with its spicy-floral notes - the Riesling helps to mellow the general's resolve and adds fruit to the spicy fight. Gewurzt still gets its way, but the fight is worth having, especially when it involves your tongue. This ain't no boring sip, that's for sure. Price: $17.15 - Rating: ****
White Blend
Niagara Peninsula
at the winery

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