
Waupoos Estates 2005 Baco Noir
As we all know, Baco can be a pretty harsh grape and can make some pretty harsh tasting wines. When made well, people find Baco can be sublime; but when made poorly, its tastes are well below sub-par. So which side of the coin does this Waupoos version find itself? I tasted this one with a panel of 4, two Baco drinkers and two non-Baco drinkers, and nobody threw it back at me; so am I right to assume it passed the test? Definitely oaky and smokey on both the nose and taste. There is also some ginger on the nose and pepperiness on the palate. The regular Baco drinkers thought it pretty light and fairly smooth, compared to their regular brand Baco. The non-Baco drinkers concurred that it was both light and fairly smooth – but most of all, drinkable. So we had a consensus … an enjoyable wine for everyone, Baco and non-Baco drinkers alike; and for a wine (Baco in general) that has a 50% success rate when served (50% love it and 50% hate it) that’s a good result. I suspect that they add some sugar to tone down the tannin and lift up the flavours and smoothness. This Baco is no Henry of Pelham (which seems to be the standard for Baco in Ontario), but it’s definitely interesting and above all drinkable.
Baco Noir
Prince Edward County
at the winery

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