On the Road with the Grape Guy

Report from - Gourmet Food and Wine Expo ... November 20, 2008

14 Dec 2008


There always seems to be a certain element inside every attendee, or potential attendee, of the Gourmet Food and Wine Expo in Toronto that asks themselves the following question: "should I go again this year, it's the same crap as last year."  To those I offer the following answer:  it's not the same crap; new year offers new vintages, which offers new possibilities - the crap you didn't like last year maybe today's hottest wine because of the growing season, new winemaker, new owners, or marketing hype.  The Gourmet Show is kinda like voting in an election, if you don't go to it you can't bitch about not liking it.  This year I heard nothing but good things from patrons walking around, those I knew and from ticket winners through my newsletter.  I attended the Thursday VIP night, as I was going to be out of town for the weekend (Taste the Season – NOTL) and here's what I discovered that was of interest.

Chinese wine – swear to the Sun-God ... (Read more)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



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