On the Road with the Grape Guy

Drinking with Dave - Part 2 ... March 20, 2009

23 Mar 2009


Ever since I published my first article about Drinking with Dave back in December, and labeled it "Part 1", many people have been asking me: "Where is Part 2?" ... I tell them all the same thing - I meet up with Dave on the occasions when I find myself in Michigan and both he and I have some time on our hands - usually he on his lunch hour and me waiting to pick up my sweetie from work.  The hour goes by too quickly and we end up shooting the proverbial shit for too long ... we gab about wines we tried, wines we want to try and places we'd like to go or have been.  Last week Dave mentioned me in an article he wrote for Canoe, about a new wrestling themed wine out of South Australia.

This time we had decided to extend our visit outside the boundaries of Champane's Wine Cellar (the place Dave works) and have dinner at his place, along with some special wines.  I was looking forward to meeting Dave's wife and sipping wine in a more relaxed atmosphere ... but the fates worked against me ... (Read more)


To read about more interesting adventures thru the world of wine check out the On the Road With the Grape Guy blog.



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