Ontario Reviews

Huff Estates 2007 First Frost
This is an odd little wine, more in the way it’s made than the way it tastes. Two-thirds of the Vidal grapes from this vineyard are harvested at the regular time and made into a bone-dry white wine; then in January the remaining third of the grapes are picked when they are raisin like and the sugar content is around 45 brix. The juice is then squeezed out of these pseudo-raisins and added to the bone-dry wine – kicking the sweetness up to about a three and taking the alcohol back by a point or so. What you’re left with is a highly aromatic, delicious sipper for after dinner biscotti. Riesling qualities abound with peaches, apples, and pears (on both the nose and taste) – and floral aromas and wildflower honey tastes that all end with a pleasant and refreshing peach-floral finish. Price: $18.95 / 500ml
Dessert / Sweet
Prince Edward County
from the winery and thru WineryToHome - set for release in July of 2008
Re-Tasted for the Weekly Wine Note 06/30/2009 - For full review copy and paste the following link into your browser: http://ontariowinereview.com/wine-notes/448-huff-estates-2007-first-frost-vidal- ... when cutting and pasting into your browser be sure to remove the period(s) after "html".

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